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11 Great Reasons to Invest in Dubai

What you are going to read below is blueprint of all the benefits of buying property in Dubai. 1. Consistently Growing Economy When you are investing your money in real estate and especially in an overseas property, you are not only investing in that particular piece of land/ house, you are investing in that country’s…

9 Reasons to Invest in Lebanon

(BEIRUT, LEBANON) — At the heart of the Middle East and the crossroads of three continents, Lebanon is where the East meets the West. A convergence point of trade routes for thousands of years and a unique cultural and religious melting pot, The Land of the Alphabet is rising again as a regional and international…

Top Reasons To Invest In Cyprus

In a globalized economy where multinational companies are pressed to maintain and increase quality while cutting costs to meet increasingly higher client expectations, Cyprus provides a complete value proposition. Tax System ​Cyprus offers one of the most attractive tax systems in Europe. The country provides a simplified, effective and transparent tax regime that is fully…

Advantages of buying real estate properties in Berlin

During the world financial crisis Germany remained one of the most stable countries in the world, being just slightly touched by the crisis. No wonder: saving Germans will always find financial resources to overcome the financial problems. As well as the prudence of German banks prevented the crisis from capturing the country. This factor caused…