Arms &McGregor International Group announces finalization of investment in Verifeco.
Verifeco is expected to be a major impactor in the business solution industry globally. Verifeco currently runs 2 solutions in beta, of a total of 15 solutions expected to launch in the coming 24 months.
This investment comes in line with Arms &McGregor International Group’s continued commitment to add to business transparency and run seamless processes while maintaining ecofriendly practices. Verifeco is set to launch its digital business card and verified event badge solution during January after seeing a great level of interest from global institutions in the past four weeks of testing.
Mr. Walid Ammar, CTO of Tech Channels team, the group responsible for the technical development and testing of Verifeco solutions within Below & Beyond Production FZE was quoted saying “We are pleased with the feedback and anticipate to be fully launched in few weeks. We will hopefully run a find a bug and a propose a solution challenge within the coming few weeks to engage the public and tech geeks. We are in discussion with our management proposing a sizeable bonus to any of our community members who end up identifying a bug or proposes an improvement to any of our solutions.”
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