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Home Matters

Furniture wax & Tips on caring for wood furniture

HOW TO CLEAN WOOD FURNITURE Wooden furniture can be a cherished heirloom or a favourite chair or table. No matter what the furniture each family or person has a piece of wooden furniture that we love and wish to keep intact for a long time. Keeping wooden furniture clean and maintaining it can be hard…


Really, moving should be exciting– after all, you’re getting a whole new place just waiting for you to add a personal touch. Organizing and preparing can help you remove the anxiety and enjoy the thrill of re-establishing yourself in a different location. With that in mind, here’s our moving checklist, sure to prevent you from…

Refrigerator deep-cleaning 101

A clean refrigerator can save you both time and money, both of which I always seem to be short on. Think about it — you can more easily see what you have on hand, what needs used up soon and what you need to purchase, which in turn leads to fewer trips to the grocery…